Rehearsals have begun for our one night only performance of Die ägyptische Helena. After hearing the orchestra play the first measures, the room was full of excitement for what was in store! This extraordinary cast wanted to share some of their thoughts about this show and their excitement in getting to sing this incredible music.

“Playing Helen is a highly unusual sing and I am extremely excited for the challenge. I love the abandon in the music and high flying phrasing. Boston audiences are going to be blown away by this music and wonder why it’s not performed more – they are in for a treat!”
Kirsten Chambers (Helena)

“This music is even more brilliant and incredible than I realized, and Strauss is an absolute genius. Also singing this music with an orchestra is a treat like no other and I feel like I am being spoiled rotten making this music with these musicians.”
Katrina Galka (Aithra)

“I am up to the challenge of competing with the brass, I think.”
Clay Hilley (Menelas)