Jan Curtis (The Wife), Larry Hoenig (the Fisherman), Susan Roberts (The Cat) 1975 Photo courtesy of of the Sarah Caldwell Collection, Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center at
Why do we do this? Tackle the challenges inherent to bringing these forgotten works back to the concert hall/stage? There are scads of wonderful works that we all know – La Boheme, Don Giovanni, Falstaff. They are fantastic, and we love them too! But they will always be performed and lauded. And there is a place for these forgotten works. They occupied an important space in the cultural world in which they were created. And they have their own stories to tell, about the time in which they were conceived, about the artists who brought them to life with commitment and passion. They are part of our story, and they deserve to be told. We believe in celebrating them so that they can continue to have a place in the cultural landscape. It is a journey we embrace and we take on the challenges with gusto!
Post by Linda Osborn, Artistic Administrator for Odyssey Opera.
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